Hello! My name is Candler Weinberg. I’m a 19-year-old car freak. I’ve loved cars for my entire life. I literally can’t imagine my life without cars.

I have had a particular interest in cars since I was a toddler. When I was one, my grandmother gave me a set of Matchbox cars for my birthday. I lugged them around with me – my mom wouldn’t even let me keep them in my crib! I learned my colors by watching cars go by. I have done countless science projects involving cars. I was probably more excited to get my learner’s permit than any other teen! It should also come as no surprise that almost all of my friends are car freaks.

Thanks to my love of cars, I’ve had the privilege of visiting various racetracks around California, meeting amazing people with terrific cars and wonderful stories. I love hearing the stories behind a car. Every car has a story, and every owner a passion. Cars wouldn’t be nearly so amazing and exciting if there wasn’t a driving passion behind them.

If you aren’t interested in cars, but you want to learn more about them, please check out my blog.  I have definition days, biographies on automakers, coverage from auto shows and interviews!  Exciting, isn’t it?

I try to post once a week. Sometimes it’s more, but it’s hard being a full-time college student with a job. It’s just that school has precedence over my blog.

Why is it that I blog? I love spreading the automotive passion that burns within my heart to other people. I also love writing.

I welcome discussion on my blog. I love hearing back from readers. It makes my day when readers tell me what they liked about the post, and what they would like to see in the future.

I’m also on social media. My blog is also on Facebook! Look up “The Unmuffled Auto News” and it will be right there!


27 thoughts on “About

  1. This is very impressive and very well written. Congratulations on getting your blog blogging.

    I’m glad you love LA because I do too and I love YOU Mr. Candler.

    You have one up on me as you’re a car nut and I’m just a nut.

    Love Zayzee

  2. WOW! You saw more cars than Abby has!!
    I was hoping for a little more guidance as to what my next car should be, any suggestions? Not sure the Veyron’s boot is big enough for Abby’s shoe collection 🙂

    Keep up the good work! Your spelling and punctuation was exceptional!

    We Love You,
    Abby and Uncle Bob

  3. Candler,

    This is so awesome! Hats off to you. These blogs are not easy to craft and I know they take time and effort.

    Ava’s dad Alexis is a total car nut, just like yourself, so I definitely appreciate your enthusiasm and passion – good for YOU! Isn’t it great when we can tap into that in ourselves? It’s such a wonderful feeling and I’m so happy for you.

    P.S. Ava says to tell you she thinks your blog is “extremely cool”!

    Best wishes,
    Angela Persinger

  4. Candler,
    Congratulations to you! Your blog is wonderful and I do enjoy reading it even though sometimes the car lingo is way over my head. You are a great writer and an endless supply of car information. Birthday Hats off to you!

  5. Mr. Candler:

    Found it…you know that old goats take more time than younger ones to get things done.

    It was interesting to glance back at the original comments and those that followed as people found your blog and tuned in and more interesting to take a minute to reflect on how faithful and diligent you have been in pumping out two issues a week which are always well written, informative, and touched with your sense of humor…all of which have come a long way on your journey to old goathood. (How’s that for a run-on sentence?)

    The only dange of becoming a great writer, which I’ sure you’ll be, is that the way things are going in this country there won’t be a large enough supply of readers so keep your options open. Keep your culinary skills growing, which I suspect many of your readers are unaware of. If your fix up your truck that will be another skill set you’ll possess. Maybe someday we can open a restaurant and call it Candler’s Garage. I have a desert chef in mind who makes great ice cream etc.

    Since it’s your Birthday i’m going to take the liberty to speak on behalf of all your readers, many of whom will not see your blog in time, to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY X 14. (lots of cheering and noise).

    Love from Zayzee

  6. Happy birthday, Candler! Love your blog and you too (awww). You’re a terrific guy and I’m lucky to know you. (Great to see you last night, btw.)


  7. Hi Candler. This is a wonderful blog! I shared it with my kids and I’m sure they will be signing up to get your blog soon. Great work.

  8. Dear Candler–

    Happy Happy Blogversary….I am so impressed with your amazing voice, your incredible passion for cars and your tremendous output! I wish you many, many more years of successful blogging!

    I hope I win your prize….


    Your cousin, neighbor, and friend Robin

  9. Hi Chandler,
    I am the director of Pathways. Tina gave me your blog URL. I enjoy your stories and your interest in cars. I am a gearhead myself. I have restored many cars in my lifetime. I currently have a Cobra that I built from a kit. Come by my office some time and I will show you pictures of it. When the weather gets warm I occasionally drive it to work.

  10. Just want you to know how much I enjoy your blog. I have forwarded it to my grandson who is about your age and also interested in cars. We have been friends of your grandparents long before your dad was born and know how proud they are of you.

  11. Hi Candler! My name is Mary and I wonder is it possible to cooperate with you? Please answer on my email. Many thanks!

  12. Hi. I did not receive your mail. Can you write from your personal adress so that I have the opportunity to send you the offer?

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